var validate_translate = { errorTitle : 'Form submission failed!', requiredFields : 'You have not answered all required fields.', badTime : 'You have not given a correct time.', badEmail : 'You have not given a correct e-mail address.', badTelephone : 'You have not given a correct phone number.', badSecurityAnswer : 'You have not given a correct answer to the security question.', badDate : 'You have not given a correct date.', lengthBadStart : 'You must give an answer between ', lengthBadEnd : ' characters.', lengthTooLongStart : 'You have given an answer longer than ', lengthTooShortStart : 'You have given an answer shorter than ', notConfirmed : 'Values could not be confirmed.', badDomain : 'Incorrect domain value.', badUrl : 'The answer you gave has not a correct URL.', badCustomVal : 'You gave an incorrect answer.', badInt : 'The answer you gave was not a correct number.', badSecurityNumber : 'Your social security number was incorrect.', badUKVatAnswer : 'Incorrect UK VAT Number.', badStrength : 'The password isn\'t strong enough.', badNumberOfSelectedOptionsStart : 'You have to choose at least ', badNumberOfSelectedOptionsEnd : ' answers.', badAlphaNumeric : 'The answer you gave must contain only alphanumeric characters ', badAlphaNumericExtra: ' and ', wrongFileSize : 'The file you are trying to upload is too large.', wrongFileType : 'The file you are trying to upload is of wrong type.', groupCheckedRangeStart : 'Please choose between ', groupCheckedTooFewStart : 'Please choose at least ', groupCheckedTooManyStart : 'Please choose a maximum of ', groupCheckedEnd : ' item(s).', exportWidthDimensions : 'Width should be between 250px and 4000px.', exportHeightDimensions : 'Height should be between 250px and 4000px.', exportScaleRange : 'Scale should contains between 1 and 4.', exportMaxFinalDimensions : 'Final width and height (W/H*Scale) is bigger than allowed dimensions (4600px).', pickOnProductGroup : 'Pick at least one product group.', availabilityDaysNotInRange : 'The value is incorrect. Please choose the value between 1-14.' }; var translate = { aggregate_type_name_min_3 : 'Type name of product group that contains minimum 3 chars.', aggregate_choose_group : 'Choose product group which you want add products.', aggregate_choose_at_leas_one_product : 'Pick at least one product to add it to product group / create new one.', aggregate_choose_group_to_modify : 'Choose product group which you want to modify.', aggregate_select_option_products : 'products', aggregate_select_option_new : 'New product group', aggregate_private : 'private', aggregate_public : 'organization', remove_slide_question : 'Are you sure to remove selected slide?', saving_file_error : 'Error while saving image file', share_presentation_title: 'Share presentation.', share_presentation_msg: 'To share presentation, search users using field above, then click Done.', saving: 'Saving...', all_data_saved: 'All data has been saved.', change_container_type_question: 'Do you want to change the item type?', loadimages_title: 'Upload own images.', loadimages_msg: 'Use option Upload file, to save own images.', chartlist_title_not_found: 'Saved charts not found.', chartlist_not_found_msg: 'Go to charts and use Save option available in chart menu, to use chart in presentation.', task_confirm_delete: 'Are you sure you want to remove selected task?', task_title_cannot_be_empty: 'Task title cannot be empty.', aggregate_choose_at_leas_one_product_group: 'Choose at least one product group.', dashboard_show_url: 'Link to the dashboard:', edit: 'Edit', remove: 'Delete', edit_metric: 'Edit metrics', set_template: 'Set new template', copy_template_as_new: '[copy_template_as_new]', admin_organization_business_unit: 'Organization business units', onenumber_tree_list: 'Tree list', onenumber_merge: 'Merge OneNumber', merge_missing_name: 'Missing merge name', merge_added: 'Merge OneNumber added', edit_merge: 'Edit Merge', wave_edit: 'Edit waves', onenumber_admin_subscriptions: 'Subscriptions', table_header_onenumber_name: 'Onenumber name', table_header_onenumber_type: 'Type', table_header_project_id: 'Project ID', table_header_project_group_id: 'Project group ID', table_header_schedule_type: 'Schedule type', table_header_schedule_day: 'Schedule day', table_header_onenumber_days: 'Days', table_header_calculation_type: 'Calculation type', table_header_parent_onenumber_id: 'Parent onenumber ID', table_header_onenumber_date_start: 'Date start', table_header_onenumber_date_end: 'Date end', template_group: 'Template group', template_group_name: 'Group name', onenumber_count: 'Count OneNumber', base_template_id: 'Base template id', template_name: 'Custom view name', organization: 'Organization', select_user_for_onenumber: 'Select user', user: 'User', onenumber_name_not_unique: 'Onenumber name is not unique', project_group_not_exist: 'Project group ID not exist for this projects', select_project_group: 'Select project group', any_project:'All projects', all_projects_sets:'All projects sets', all_parents:'All parents', project_set:'Project set', project:'Project', parent:'Parent', type:'Type', nps_thank_you_for_feedback: 'Thank you for your feedback.', nps_error_feedback: 'Please try again later...', merge_no_onenumber_selected: 'No OneNumber has been selected', date: 'Date', position: 'Position', page: 'Page', grand_position: 'Overall position', ht_filter_range: 'Specify range of filtering values:', ht_filter_from: 'from', ht_filter_to: 'to', ht_filter_values: 'Show only rows with values:', product_launch_choose_at_least_one_product: 'Pick at least one product to add it to product launch.', set_as_default_project: 'Set as default project', unmark_as_default_project: 'Unmark as default project', out_of_stock_type: 'Out of Stock', buybox_lost_type: 'Buybox lost', limited_availability_type: 'Limited availability indicated', not_listed_for_selected_time_type: 'SKU is not listed for selected time', all_distribution_changes: 'All distribution changes', selectAlertType : 'Select alert type', content_alert_type: 'New content gaps', content_any_change_alert_type: 'Any content changes', all_content_changes: 'All content changes', negative_reviews: 'New Negative Reviews', onenumber_explorer_preset_name_required: 'Dashboard name required.', onenumber_explorer_preset_edit_selection_required: 'Please select existing dashboard.' };